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The Parochial Church Council (PCC)

The PCC of All Saints with Holy Trinity is the governing body and charitable trustees of the church. It is made up of the Rector and any other licensed clergy, the Church Wardens and other elected lay members of the congregation. Together they have the legal responsibilty for the church building and the church's finance and work together on the whole mission of the church.

The PCC works with the Rector to set the direction of travel for the church and over recent years has embraced a commitment to being an Inclusive and Eco friendly church. Our meetings are both prayerful and practical and often involve tea and cake!

'A good PCC is a place of grace, forgiveness, prayer, wisdom and strives to be constructive, cooperative and cheerful. It looks up to God, looks out to the wolrd, looks forward faithfully, and looks after others. It thinks, prays, wrestles, argues, laughs and cries, and does it all with integrity and humility.'

Taken from The PCC Member's Essential Guide by Mark Tanner.

A group of people sitting on chairs on the grass

The Rector

The Rector is the incumbent of the parish and working with the PCC and all members of the congregation is responsible for the worship, work and witness of the church. We are currently in vacancy.

Church Wardens

The church wardens are officers of the church and have specific responsibilities under Canon Law of the Church of England including being responsible for the church buildings and content and representing the Bishop in the parish. They are involved in the oversight of Sunday services and in much of the day to day running of the church. They are supported by a team of deputy wardens who share out many of the responsibilities between them.

Annual Parochial Church Meeting 2024

Tuesday 30th April 7.30pm in the church building

Everyone is welcome to attend the annual meeting but only those on the church electoral roll are able to vote. At this annual meeting Church Wardens, Deputy Wardens and PCC members are elected, the annual report of the churches finances are received and the Rector gives an address looking ahead to the year to come. Documents for this year's meeting can be downloaded below. A limited amount of printed versions will be available in church from 16th April and c copy left in church available to view. If you would like a printed copy of any of the papers please contact the Parish Office by 9.00am on Friday 26th April to request a printed pack.